Come and join us at Eco Culture in Action, a monthly event held at The Bug Theatre in Denver. Discover the health benefits that nature and the arts offer us.
!We hope to see you there!
Ven y únete a nosotros en Eco Cultura en Acción, un evento mensual que se lleva a cabo en The Bug Theatre en Denver. Descubre los beneficios de salud que nos ofrece la naturaleza y las artes.
¡Esperamos verte allí!

Eco Cultura En Acción
Series JULY 31st
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Music by Tiempi de Marimba - Música por Tiempi de Marimba
Justin Doute & Paul Finckel
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Presentation by My Outdoor Colorado - Presentación por My Outdoor Colorado
Mary Reyes
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Presentation by AFC+A , Promotores Verdes - Presentación por AFC+A , PV
Zuza Bohley
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Documentaries- documentales
Vanessa Chavarria Posadas
Felipe Tapia Nordenflycht
Rafael Millar Garcia
Dani Reyes Acosta
BIPOC people sharing their adventures in the outdoors. Personas BIPOC compartiendo sus aventuras al aire libre.
Kick-off highlights Feb 27th 2024

We are grateful to Bug Theatre and Denver Arts and Venues for supporting the Eco Cultura Series.
Register Today!
Limited Capacity! Suggested donation of $5.00 per adult.
All Children and students are encouraged to attend with no cost!
Registrate hoy!
Espacios Limitados! Donativo sugerido de $5.00 por adulto.
Niños y estudiantes se les exhorta a participar libre de costo!
February 28th
March 27th
April 24th
May 29th
June 26th
July 31st
August 21st
September 25th
October 30th
November 20th
December 18th